Sesiapa sahaja rakyat malaysia yang berhasrat atau sedang menjalankan perniagaan Online wajib berdaftar dengan Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia (SSM) sama ada di bawah pendaftaran perniagaan atau pemerbadanan syarikat.
Kalau tidak ia boleh dianggap satu kesalahan di bawah Akta Pendaftaran Perniagaan 1956 atau Akta Syarikat 1965.Malah pendaftaran ini juga seiring dengan Peraturan Urus Niaga Elektronik 2012 di bawah KPDNKK.
Jadi kalau nak tahu lebih lanjut datanglah ke Program SSM - Online Networking Entrepreneurs (SSM-ONE) 2015 anjuran SSM dengan kerjasama Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita Keluarga dan Masyarakat (KPWKM) yang berlangsung pada 4 - 5 Jun 2015 dari jam 10 am - 930 pm selama dua hari di The Curve Damansara KL.
Program SSM-ONE 2015 ini diadakan bertujuan untuk beri penerangan kepada rakyat malaysia berhasrat atau sedang menjalankan perniagaan secara online tentang betapa penting berdaftar dengan SSM.
Kalau anda pergi program ini nanti,segala persoalan seperti
kenapa perlu daftar ???
Bagaimana daftar?
dan apa-apa pun soalan
pasti boleh dijawab dalam program SSM-ONE ini nanti.
Pada masa yang sama,SSM-ONE juga akan jemput MCMC utk beri penerangan tentang pemberian geran kepada sesiapa ingin mulakan perniagaan secara online.
Sebenarnya banyak agensi atau badan berkaitan yang akan dijemput untuk bagi penerangan tentang perkhidmatan mereka yang mana boleh memberi manfaat kepada peniaga online.
Program akan dirasmikan oleh Menteri Perdagangan Dalam Negeri,Koperasi dan Kepenggunaan,Datuk Seri Hasan Malek
Menteri Pembangunan Wanita,Keluarga dan Masyarakat,Datuk Sri Rohani Abdul Karim juga akan hadir untuk memberi sedikit amanat dan bercakap sedikit tentang perkhidmatan kementeriannya yang boleh memberi manfaat kepada peniaga online khususnya kepada peniaga wanita.Apa tunggu lagi, datanglah ke program ini.
PERCUMA.datang beramai-ramai.anda akan tahu segalanya tentang business online
My husband and I had a very bad credit when we were deep into the financial jurists to what extent we applied for bankruptcy, we had little or no money to send our daughter to emily to a college that we could not afford. We control payday loans (loan companies), which have helped people like us, get mortgage changes. Each company we contacted wanted a previous fee of $ 1,000 to $ 2,000 that we could not afford. Because we thought we had no hope of choosing to sell or lose your home by closing it. Then I came across a local magazine and the cover was a Loan Bonding Corporation. The three main steps; 1. You submit an electronic application. E-mail: 2. Provide the correct means of identification as to whether your citizen holds an identity card or driving license and your bank account information. 3. The loan is processed, approved and transmitted. The long story was shortened, they helped get a loan at a fixed rate of 4% and modified with revised payments. They also gave their daughters a student loan to complete my college's full paycheck. We worked with Lasson's loan, who warned us about the progress of the whole world. he did all the paperwork, phone calls, etc. They did it all and we got a loan that we accept. When I agree to their loan terms and I submitted the details of my bank, I paid an affordable price for these services. We would not have been able to get it as simple and affordable as it was through their transformation process with our knowledge. I did not have time to thank you, so THANK YOU! I could not have asked a better team. I'm up to date on refinancing. Best for you, moving mortgage If you have a problem like us, contact a loan settlement corporation. They can work. Sincerely, Timothy and Maria Adopted on march 17, 2018 in Columbus, GA